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How many children are diagnosed with autism?

The latest statistics from the CDC are sobering: about 1 in every 44 children receive a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Boys are four times more likely to be diagnosed with autism than girls. While these figures are staggering, it does not have to be this way. Effective and life changing training and treatments are possible and should be available. Our vision is a world where all individuals with autism reach their fullest potential.

What is being done to educate communities about Autism?

World Autism Day is April 1 each year and the entire month of April is Autism Acceptance month! The need for effective and accessible treatment is greater than ever, and the importance of continuing to develop what we know about ASD and how quality behavioral intervention can most effectively address this complex disorder is vital.

Do families with children diagnosed with autism have increased  financial responsibility?

Autism costs a family an average of $60,000 a year. Their medical expenditures are 4.1 to 6.2 times greater than for those without autism.

Where is ABA therapy (the prescribed treatment for ASD) predominantly available?

The lives of countless children diagnosed with ASD could be changed forever with quality behavioral intervention, but that intervention is out of reach for too many children and their families.

Does ASD primarily impact children?

No, nearly half of 25-year-olds with ASD have never held a paying job. About 81% have never lived apart from their parents, and 64% have received no education beyond high school.

What is the primary prescribed treatment for Autism Spectrum Disorder?

​CDC says: Behavioral approaches have the most evidence for treating symptoms of ASD. They have become widely accepted among educators and healthcare professionals and are used in many schools and treatment clinics. A notable behavioral treatment for people with ASD is called Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA).

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